In the mid-1990s, I created a series of some of the earliest interactive web applications. With Blackmail you could send sardonic, vaguely threatening greeting cards to friends. This was years before spam, open mail relays, and code injection were serious concerns on the internet.

You lookin for something? A special something? Maybe you lookin to send somebody a message? Just tell me, what you need done. But, if anyone asks, I don’t know you, got it? I can get you in touch with a man who knows a man who knows how to do things. Certain things. I know just the kinda thing you’d be interested in.
Creating Blackmail involved combing archives for hundreds of old woodcuts and etching of terrible tortures, martyrdoms, medical procedures, and plague reports. I also collaged scores of old public-domain drawings into even more gruesome images. I had no idea if anyone else would appreciate my black humor, but to my surprise, they did.
These fun web applications were remarkably successful and endured online into the new millennium.
Have fun hanging out with your friends You never could keep your head about you We’re going to put a fire under your ass, so to speak I think they’re throwing you a big party! Hey, enjoy your commute. She took the news pretty well, wouldn’t ya say? Hope everything is swell in your cozy little home A good crew member always goes down with the ship Death is not an ending, only the beginning of another journey. Yeah, right. Tonight’s special: Tripe! Have a hot time in the old town tonight Honey, did you leave the stove on? Hey, a little rain never hurt anybody God punished the wicked once. So, watch it Head for the hills! It’s a gully washer! Its a radical hang-nail treatment! Oh look, kids! Its a clown! Knock, knock. Special delivery! Sometimes reality has a way of offering us lessons in humility. Oh sorry, did I catch you before your first coffee? Isn’t it time for your denist appointment? You think you can push and push. Well, watch your back Fore! Hold still and we’ll size you for those new contacts. Big wheels keep on turnin’… We have something special planned for you. Its like a surprise party, but with clubs. Steady! Steady! Oops! A knife in the arm is worth two in the bush Alright! Let’s give all you hard workers a hand! Here’s to drudgery! From one cog to another. Honey, did you leave the water on? Remember: Drudgery builds character You can run, but you can’t hide See? You won’t be ALL alone in your old age Hey, I hear they have this great new childcare… Have a real nice day.