Unavoidable Disaster is a monthly eclectic, punky webzine, a collaborative endeavor whose assembly is part art practice, part therapy, and part pure lark. I designed and programmed Unavoidable Disaster and continue to serve as editor. It was inspired by an earlier project Freakshow.
Heavy on illustration, found detritus, vintage ephemera, digital art, interactive web thingamajigs, homemade animations, and even innovative playable covers. It pushes the edge of what is possible in web publishing.
Contributors from across the globe contribute over 8 pages of collaged content. It welcomes your drawings, your search for a cuddle partner, your marginalia, your sketchy gray market attempts, your rants, and your vulnerable little pink heart.
Created in the midst of a global pandemic, an American political crisis, a Black liberation uprising, Unavoidable Disaster continues to be the cathartic opposite of all of the careful, thoughtful, and diplomatic work I’ve done in my community projects. It is an opportunity to showcase the work of hundreds of artists with its almost anything-goes take on online zine publication.